Cybersecurity Seminars


Kasimis Theofanis

CEO, Team Leader and White Hat Hacker

Ο κ. Θεοφάνης Κασίμης και η Audax Cybersecurity βρίσκονται στην πρώτη γραμμή της κυβερνοασφάλειας, προσφέροντας καινοτόμες και εξειδικευμένες υπηρεσίες που προστατεύουν πληροφοριακά συστήματα από τις πιο σύνθετες απειλές. Με το εξαιρετικά έμπειρο προσωπικό της εταιρίας, η Audax Cybersecurity αναλαμβάνει τη διερεύνηση και την ενίσχυση της ασφάλειας κάθε πληροφοριακού συστήματος, εντοπίζοντας και επιλύοντας κενά ασφαλείας πριν καταλήξουν στα χέρια κακόβουλων χρηστών.

Με την καθοδήγηση του κ. Κασίμη, η Audax Cybersecurity βοηθά επιχειρήσεις, καταναλωτές, μαθητές και τον απλό κόσμο να κατανοήσουν τη σημασία της ασφάλειας στον ψηφιακό κόσμο, παρέχοντας εύχρηστες λύσεις και προσεγγίσεις με φιλικό τρόπο. Οι απόψεις και οι έρευνες του κ. Κασίμη, σχετικά με τις τελευταίες εξελίξεις στον τομέα της κυβερνοασφάλειας, έχουν προκαλέσει μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον, με τα σχόλιά του να γίνονται αντικείμενο συζήτησης στα μεγαλύτερα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης, όπως τηλεοπτικά κανάλια και πανελλαδικοί ραδιοφωνικοί σταθμοί.

Επιπλέον, ο κ. Κασίμης είναι ενεργό μέλος σημαντικών οργανισμών στον τομέα του ανοικτού λογισμικού και της ασφάλειας πληροφοριακών συστημάτων, καθώς και σε εθελοντικές ομάδες που επικεντρώνονται στην προστασία από κυβερνοεγκληματίες. Η εταιρία του συνεργάζεται με καταξιωμένους επιστήμονες και εξωτερικούς ειδικούς για τη μελέτη και την αντιμετώπιση της κοινωνικής μηχανικής, με σκοπό την ενίσχυση των μηχανισμών ασφάλειας και την προστασία των χρηστών σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο.

Με την Audax Cybersecurity, ο κ. Κασίμης και η ομάδα του δεν προσφέρουν απλώς λύσεις – δημιουργούν το μέλλον της κυβερνοασφάλειας.

Kasimis Theofanis

CEO, Team Leader and White Hat Hacker

He owns Audax Cybersecurity, which offers innovative services on information systems security. Mr. Kasimis Theofanis and his experienced staff are able to penetrate the security of any information system by discovering security gaps in order to solve them before they are used by malicious users!

Together with a team of experts he has in-house he helps businesses, consumers, students and ordinary people how to protect their information and themselves from cybercriminals, using an understandable way and a friendlier approach. His opinions, ideas and research on current events become sought after and topics of commentary and analysis, leading to media appearances on major television channels and national radio stations.

He is also a member of several organizations on open source software, in voluntary organizations discussing information systems security, has participated in online ventures with public institutions and is a speaker at various technology conferences! Audax Cybersecurity also works with external partners and scientists in the field to research and address social engineering and improve security effectiveness.


Interviews & Media :

Cyber Security Seminars for individuals and VIP Cyber Security

We all need to be aware of some basic cybersecurity issues as we are at risk of cyber attacks every minute of every day.

Audax Cybersecurity organizes corporate, group or private cybersecurity seminars

Below are some of the topics we cover in our cybersecurity seminars:

✓ Backup / Disaster Recovery

✓ Password Managers

✓ Antivirus

✓ Protection against Phishing / Social Engineering

✓ Ransomware protection

✓ Real examples of attacks

✓ Cyber security in our home

✓ Cyber security in our company

✓ Cybersecurity on the move

We also provide for companies or individuals a home, office or corporate cybersecurity audit, where a cybersecurity engineer visits your premises to give you advice on your online life.

If you are interested in cybersecurity seminars you can contact us.

Conferences / Events

Cyber Security Seminar by the most famous Greek Cybersecurity Expert

▷ There have been too many cyber-attacks in our country which were based on the ignorance of the administrative staff on basic cybersecurity issues.

▷ Also 9 out of 10 attacks on organisations and companies would not have happened if the staff had been properly trained.

▷ There are already 2 organisations that have been hacked and have invested in security and human resources training and those that have not been hacked yet.

The term Cyber Security has to do with security and protection from cyber attacks on organizations or individuals.

These attacks are carried out via the internet and are aimed at either losing data, leaking data or even damaging the reputation of the organisation.

Most of the time these attacks are for profit.

Nowadays such attacks as Phishing, Ransomware, Malware occur very daily.

Sometimes they have disastrous consequences and high financial costs.

Why should staff be trained on the Cybersecurity Seminar?

In recent years, threats have created serious problems for Greek organisations and businesses.

No matter how secure our business operating systems are, for example firewalls, antivirus the human factor which with one wrong click can cause irreparable damage.

Every computer user is vulnerable to daily attacks.

This user may be the key to dealing with such incidents.

The seminar is targeted at all managers and executives of organisations and companies as well as individuals who wish to be informed about the new threats.

The companies that were victims of cyber-attacks, for the most part, had not properly trained their staff and executives.

These threats can result in irreparable losses and very high recovery costs and are often the first victims of such attacks.

No technical knowledge is required to attend the seminar.

By completing the Cybersecurity Seminar, participants will have understood the different types of cyber attacks, will be able to identify them and will have learned basic security rules to prevent them.

No technical knowledge is required to attend the seminar.

Cyber Security Seminars for individuals and VIP Cyber Security

What is Cyber Security and why do we need to know about it?

General Safety Rules
✓ Backup
✓ Privacy
✓ Security codes
✓ Proper use of Public Wifi
✓ Encryption & Device Theft

Types of Malware & how they work
✓ Ransomware attacks
✓ Malware attacks
✓ Phishing attacks
✓ USB attacks
✓ Social Engineering

Ways of Protection
✓ Cyber Security Platforms
✓ Daily Safety Practices
✓ Penetration Testing
✓ SPAM Filtering
✓ Content Filtering
✓ Antivirus

Who should attend the cybersecurity seminar?

Participants can be either individuals or business executives, from different market sectors and at the middle or top management level of a company.

It is also aimed at individuals who wish to obtain basic protection knowledge, as well as students.

The knowledge gained can be applied to both corporate security and the individual security of each user of electronic media.




Interviews & Media :

Σεμινάρια κυβερνοασφάλειας για επιχειρήσεις και οργανισμούς!

We all need to be aware of some basic cybersecurity issues as we are at risk of cyber attacks every minute of every day.

Η Audax Cybersecurity διοργανώνει εταιρικά σεμινάρια κυβερνοασφάλειας!

Below are some of the topics we cover in our cybersecurity seminars:

✓ Τι είναι η κοινωνική μηχανική

✓ Γιατί οι άνθρωποι είναι ο αδύναμος κρίκος

✓ Ιστορικά παραδείγματα

✓ Phishing & Spear Phishing

✓ Baiting

✓ Pretexting

✓ Vishing

✓ BEC Scammers

✓ Τεχνικές Ψυχολογικής Εκμετάλλευσης

✓ Deepfake & AI Phishing

Conferences / Events

Cyber Security Seminar by the most famous Greek Cybersecurity Expert

▷ There have been too many cyber-attacks in our country which were based on the ignorance of the administrative staff on basic cybersecurity issues.

▷ Also 9 out of 10 attacks on organisations and companies would not have happened if the staff had been properly trained.

No technical knowledge is required to attend the seminar.