Audax Cybersecurity, as part of its corporate social contribution, announces the start of cooperation with the SKAI Group's ALL TOGETHER CAN, creating the digital platform for the search of stray and abandoned animals affected by the deadly fires in Mati, Kineta, Rafina and Neos Voutzas.

Audax Cybersecurity from the very first moment wanted to contribute to the difficult task of searching for our fellow human beings and created the digital platform for searching for missing persons under the name, Missing People, collecting photos of people lost in the fire affected areas from all social media.


Since 2011, "We Can All Together" has been designing and implementing actions covering a wide range of areas such as social welfare, health, education and the environment. More specifically, actions to collect food, medicines and clothes for people in need, scholarships for children who want to study but cannot due to financial difficulties, the organization of voluntary blood donations and actions for the protection of the environment such as tree planting, watering and cleaning compose the purpose of this initiative, aiming at the immediate relief of vulnerable social groups.

The "Together we can" project has been awarded with an honorary distinction by the association "Together for Children" for supporting the association's objectives, by AHEPA with an honorary distinction for social action and in 2013 it won the "European CSR Award" in the framework of the "European Corporate Social Responsibility Awards".

The aim of "Together We Can" is to continue the effort for social and environmental development and to strengthen the spirit of teamwork so that we all continue the effort together.